June 26, 2009


Uninspired to write a blog post today, I asked my dad, “What should I write about?”

He said,
“You should write: Perth is weird, because they only wear black clothes. And, they drink too much in this country. Also, my parents have a nice house, I wish they’d give it to me.”

I laughed. That was a pretty funny response.

I had a day in the city today, while Dad was giving a talk at a Tight Gas conference and Mom was at a felting art/fabric workshop. Typical parental activities.

These are some of the things I did today:
1. Visited two galleries downtown
2. Ate a tangerine & a pink lady apple
3. Laughed at a video of people kissing air
4. Got rained on
5. Tried on gorgeous frocks at Alannah Hill (see pics below)
6. Learned that Michael Jackson has died 
7. Drank too much caffeine
8. Went for a night walk and got drenched in rain
9. Continued to be bummed about Michael Jackson
10. Downloaded WORDLE on Dad’s iphone


troydawg said...


Actually, your day out sounds relaxing at the most fundamental of levels. I hope you had fun. I would have given a lot to be able to tread those streets with you.

And I'm jealous that you can get a real Australian Pink Lady apple in the middle of (our) summer!

Miss you here in AZ. --T.

Rani said...

Hot dresses.... I am totally loving the fashion parade that is your blog!!

Jessica Castillo said...

The apple was small, crunchy and quite delicious. You'd have liked it, Troy.

Rani, I'm assuming you like Alannah Hill also. Excellent taste!