My little brother, Nathan, five years my junior attends Australian National University in Canberra, Australia’s capital.

I stayed at his quality apartment on campus. It’s the third level up and he has his own balcony, oven, stovetop, two mini fridges (one for beer and the second for food or moldy substances formally known as food) and a tiled shower. I neglected to post a picture of former tomatoes, carrots and peppers we found wedged in the back of the fridge.
Nathan’s place is fantastic. I was honored to stay there, and it was perfect timing since most all the semester final exams were on their last week. He is getting two degrees a Bachelor’s in Chemistry and one in Engineering (material or mechanical, I’ll have to ask him the details). Basically he studies hard and consequently parties harder.

Nathan’s not a stinky dude, but he likes to smell good. I liked the Gucci cologne, probably because it has the best packaging--I admit to being a label whore when it comes to wine and perfume.

Since it was below 8 degrees Celsius (46.6 Fahrenheit), I tested Nathan’s new road bike down the hallway of his dorm floor. I enjoy a winter day inside, I’m constantly grateful I’m escaping Arizona’s heat for a short while.

One of the highlights of my Canberra visit was meeting and hanging out with Nathan’s adorable and sweet lady-friend, Hannah. She’s cool because she puts up with my brother and her name is a good-looking palindrome.

We were invited for a delicious Korean dinner dish, made by her Mom, Kim. Hannah’s Dad, Terry, is partial to Tasmanian products. He insisted I drink Cascade beer, I was hesitant at first, picturing the popular dishwashing detergent. He told some ridiculously hilarious stories about his college day and drinking games, most of which involved spilling water on the pants of your drunk friends. Hannah’s little brother, Michael, had some profound opinions and was cracking me up as well. Thank you, Beven family.
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